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dota 2:如何解鎖佛羅斯特維斯獎勵

作者 : Aria Jan 25,2025

本指南詳細介紹了如何在 Dota 2 的 2025 年活動中解鎖迎霜節獎勵。 與往年不同的是,本次活動重點是通過遊戲內的操作來獲取獎勵,而不是新的小遊戲。


玩家通過完成特定的遊戲內任務來獲得節日注入。 存在五種類型的輸液,每種類型都通過不同的操作獲得。

Festive Infusions

Festive Infusion Requirements Points Earned How to Earn
Crystallized Joy Win Matches, Collect Bounty Runes, Kill Couriers +30, +1, +4 Win matches; collect bounty runes; kill enemy couriers.
Essence of Friendship Play in a Party, Heal Allies, Get Assists, High Five (Ally/Enemy) +10, +0.0002, +1, +2, +2 Play in a party; heal allies; get assists; high-five allies and enemies after kills.
Concentrated Whimsy Steal Hats, Get Kills, Damage Enemy Heroes +5, +1, +0.0001 Steal hats (Ctrl+C); kill enemy heroes; deal damage to enemy heroes.
Festive Spirit Give Tips, Receive Tips, Hit with Snowball, Bump Penguins, Build Snowman +4, +4, +10, +0.5, +5 Give/receive tips; hit enemies with snowball (Ctrl+R) before kill; bump penguins; build a snowman (Ctrl+W) before first blood.
> frostivus 2025獎勵層和手工藝:

> 通過Dota 2主菜單中的Frostivus Forge訪問獎勵,分為六個層,並具有製定限製。


Frostivus Rewards

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