ニュース DOTA 2:Frostivusの報酬のロックを解除する方法

DOTA 2:Frostivusの報酬のロックを解除する方法

著者 : Aria Jan 25,2025

このガイドでは、Dota 2 の 2025 イベントで Frostivus 報酬のロックを解除する方法について詳しく説明します。 例年とは異なり、このイベントは新しいミニゲームではなく、ゲーム内アクションによる報酬の獲得に焦点を当てています。

Frostivus 報酬のロックを解除:

プレイヤーは特定のゲーム内タスクを完了することでフェスティブインフュージョンを獲得します。 インフュージョンは 5 種類存在し、それぞれ異なるアクションで入手できます。

Festive Infusions

Festive Infusion Requirements Points Earned How to Earn
Crystallized Joy Win Matches, Collect Bounty Runes, Kill Couriers +30, +1, +4 Win matches; collect bounty runes; kill enemy couriers.
Essence of Friendship Play in a Party, Heal Allies, Get Assists, High Five (Ally/Enemy) +10, +0.0002, +1, +2, +2 Play in a party; heal allies; get assists; high-five allies and enemies after kills.
Concentrated Whimsy Steal Hats, Get Kills, Damage Enemy Heroes +5, +1, +0.0001 Steal hats (Ctrl+C); kill enemy heroes; deal damage to enemy heroes.
Festive Spirit Give Tips, Receive Tips, Hit with Snowball, Bump Penguins, Build Snowman +4, +4, +10, +0.5, +5 Give/receive tips; hit enemies with snowball (Ctrl+R) before kill; bump penguins; build a snowman (Ctrl+W) before first blood.

Frostivus 2025 報酬階層と製作:

報酬は Dota 2 メイン メニューの Frostivus Forge からアクセスでき、クラフト制限のある 6 つの階層に分類されます。

Frostivus Rewards

Tier Name Unlock Method Available Rewards Required Festive Infusions Crafting Limit
Tier I Unlocked from the start Random Frostivus Voice Lines, Random Frostivus Sprays 20 Crystallized Joy + 20 Essence of Friendship; 20 Concentrated Whimsy + 20 Festive Spirit 5, 4
Tier II Craft 2 Tier I Rewards Frostivus 2024 Loading Screen Treasure, Random Frostivus Emoticons 16 Crystallized Joy + 16 Essence of Friendship + 48 Festive Spirit; 16 Crystallized Joy + 48 Concentrated Whimsy + 16 Festive Spirit 10, 8
Tier III Craft 3 Tier II Rewards Frostivus 2024 Tormentor Skin, Ruddy and Rannoff Mythical Courier 40 Crystallized Joy + 100 Essence of Friendship + 100 Concentrated Whimsy; 80 Crystallized Joy + 120 Essence of Friendship + 120 Concentrated Whimsy + 160 Festive Spirit 1, 1
Crownfall (x4) Craft 2 Tier III Rewards 5 Random Crownfall Act I/II/III/IV Tokens Varying combinations of Crystallized Joy, Essence of Friendship, Concentrated Whimsy, and Festive Spirit 5 (each act)
Legacy Craft 2 Tier III Rewards Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest 30 Crystallized Joy + 30 Essence of Friendship + 30 Concentrated Whimsy + 30 Festive Spirit 5
Premium Purchase Pathfinder Pack for any Crownfall Act 5 Crownfall Store Coin, Crownfall Sticker Capsule 60 Crystallized Joy + 60 Essence of Friendship + 60 Concentrated Whimsy + 60 Festive Spirit; 20 of each infusion 2, 10


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