Это руководство Fortnite Hunters подробно описывает квесты на сфере оружия, новую функцию вознаграждающего игроков XP и доступ к легендарному оружию. Эти квесты, привязанные к конкретным NPC, включают в себя выполнение пятиэтапных задач. Завершение квеста разблокирует легендарное оружие из этого NPC.
Обновлено 14 января 2025 года, чтобы включить вновь добавленные квесты в ближнем бою.
Объяснения квесты на оружейное экспертиза
Квесты экспертизы оружия уникальны для охотников за Fortnite. Первоначальный квест представляет концепцию, требующую взаимодействия с надеждой, руджи или агентом Джонсом в отношении опыта и продажи оружия. Каждый квест имеет пять проблем. Завершение разблокирует легендарное оружие. Дополнительные квесты позволяют покупать маски ONI у Daigo и Typhoon Blade из Кендо. Эти квесты отслеживаются на главной вкладке в лобби или в игровых квестах.
Завершение квестов занимает много времени, но полезно. Вот краткое изложение доступного легендарного оружия:
Legendary Weapon | How to Unlock | Location |
Fury Assault Rifle | Complete Hope's Assault Rifle Expertise Quests | Sold by Hope at Hopeful Heights |
Oni Shotgun | Complete Ruji's Shotgun Expertise Quests | Sold by Ruji, northwest of Lost Lake |
Surgefire SMG | Complete Vengeance Jones's SMG Expertise Quests | Sold by Vengeance Jones East of Shattered Span |
Void & Fire Oni Masks | Complete Daigo's Mask Expertise Quests | Sold by Daigo at Masked Meadows |
Typhoon Blade | Complete Kendo's Melee Expertise Quests | Sold by Kendo northeast of Nightshift Forest |
Все квесты на экспертизу оружия
Экспертиза штурмовой винтовки
Quest | Reward |
Deal 15,000 damage to players with Assault Rifles | 25,000 XP |
Deal 7,500 headshot damage with Assault Rifles | 25,000 XP |
Hit 100 players with Assault Rifles in a single match | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 50 players with ARs after reaching 10 players remaining | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 5 players with Assault Rifles in a single match and win | 25,000 XP |
Complete Hope's Assault Rifle Expertise Quests (5) | Fury AR |
Eliminate 5 players with ARs | Restock |
Экспертиза ружья
Quest | Reward |
Deal 10,000 damage to players with Shotguns | 25,000 XP |
Hit 250 players within 15 meters with Shotguns after sliding/sprinting | 25,000 XP |
Hit 15 different players with Shotguns in a single match | 25,000 XP |
Hit 50 players with two Shotgun blasts in 1 second or less | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 5 players with Shotguns in a single match and win | 25,000 XP |
Complete Ruji's Shotgun Expertise Quests (5) | Oni Shotgun |
Eliminate 5 players with Shotguns | Restock |
SMG Experize
Quest | Reward |
Deal 12,500 damage to players with SMGs | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 30 players with SMGs within 10 seconds of using another weapon type | 25,000 XP |
Hit 125 players within 30 meters with SMGs in a single match | 25,000 XP |
Hit 50 players with 10 SMG shots in 3 seconds or less | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 5 players with SMGs in a single match and win | 25,000 XP |
Complete Vengeance Jones's SMG Expertise Quests (5) | Surgefire SMG |
Eliminate players with SMGs | Restock |
Mask Experize
Quest | Reward |
Deal 10,000 Damage to players with the Fire Oni Mask | 25,000 XP |
Deal 2,500 damage to players within 15 seconds of teleporting with a Void Oni Mask | 25,000 XP |
Hit 10 different players with the Fire Oni Mask in a single match | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 5 players within 10 seconds of teleporting with a Void Oni Mask | 25,000 XP |
Down/Eliminate a masked player with a Fire Oni Mask | 25,000 XP |
Complete Daigo's Mask Expertise Quests (5) | Oni Masks |
Eliminate 5 players with the Fire Oni Mask | Restock |
Экспертиза ближнего боя
Quest | Reward |
Travel 1,000 meters or deal 1,000 damage to players with the Typhoon Blade | 25,000 XP |
Hit 150 Demon Grunts or Demon Warriors with the Typhoon Blade | 25,000 XP |
Hit 10 different players or demons with the Typhoon Blade in a single match | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 5 players within 10 seconds of sprinting/jumping with the Typhoon Blade | 25,000 XP |
Eliminate 5 players with the Typhoon Blade in a single match and win | 25,000 XP |
Complete Kendo's Melee Expertise Quests (5) | Typhoon Blade |