Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact Banned in Australia: A Surprising Development
The Australian Classification Board's decision to refuse classification for Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact has sent shockwaves through the gaming community. This effectively bans the game's release in Australia, a decision made without publicly stated reasons.
Refused Classification: What it Means
A Refused Classification (RC) rating means the game is prohibited from sale, rental, advertisement, or import within Australia. The board's statement indicates the content surpasses the thresholds of even the R18+ and X18+ ratings, exceeding generally accepted community standards.
This is surprising, given the game's promotional material, which doesn't appear to contain explicit sexual content, graphic violence, or drug use – typical elements that often lead to an RC rating. However, unshown content within the game itself may be the cause. Alternatively, there might be procedural issues that can be rectified.
A History of Reconsideration
Australia's classification board isn't inflexible. It has a history of reviewing and overturning RC ratings. Games like The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and Disco Elysium: The Final Cut initially received RC ratings but were later reclassified after modifications. Outlast 2 also underwent changes to secure an R18+ rating. These examples demonstrate that addressing concerns regarding explicit content or removing sensitive material can lead to a successful appeal.
Hope for Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact
The ban isn't necessarily final. The developer or publisher can appeal the decision by providing content justifications or making adjustments to meet classification standards. This could involve removing or altering specific elements deemed problematic by the board. The future of Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact in Australia remains uncertain but not entirely bleak.