Valkyrie Idle

Valkyrie Idle レート : 4.0


Valkyrie Idle: An Idle RPG Adventure in the Realm of Norse Mythology

Valkyrie Idle is a mobile game developed by mobirix, a company renowned for creating high-quality games. This idle RPG, set in the captivating world of Norse Mythology, offers players an immersive and thrilling gaming experience. Valkyrie Idle is packed with impressive features that cater to both casual and hardcore gamers. Let's delve into the key features that make Valkyrie Idle stand out:

Idle RPG based on Norse Mythology

The game transports players to the realm of Norse Mythology, where they join the Valkyries in their epic battle against evil forces. Players take on the role of a valiant Valkyrie, leading a team of companions to conquer challenging battles. Valkyrie Idle's idle RPG mechanics allow players to progress even when they're not actively playing, making it a convenient and engaging experience.

Adventure with about 70 companions using various skills

Valkyrie Idle provides players with a diverse roster of companions, each possessing unique skills to aid in battles. Players can choose from approximately 70 companions, each with distinct abilities, to assemble their dream team. Each companion plays a crucial role, making strategic team composition essential for success.

Various types of equipment

The game features a wide array of equipment that players can utilize to enhance their Valkyrie's abilities. Players can equip their Valkyries with weapons, armor, and accessories to boost their stats. The equipment also boasts buff effects, providing players with an advantage in battles.

Obtain different growth materials through 10 dungeons with multiple concepts

Valkyrie Idle offers ten distinct dungeons for players to explore and gather valuable growth materials. Each dungeon presents a unique challenge, requiring players to defeat the boss to progress to the next level. Players can acquire various materials that can be used to level up their Valkyrie and companions, further enhancing their strength.

Upgrade your Valkyrie to be stronger and more splendid through the leveling system

Valkyrie Idle features a leveling system that allows players to upgrade their Valkyrie and companions. Players earn experience points through battles and completing quests. As players level up their Valkyrie, they unlock new skills and abilities, empowering them to conquer even greater challenges.

Brilliant and stunning skill effects

The game boasts visually stunning and impactful skill effects that players can unleash to vanquish their foes. Players can utilize their Valkyrie's skills to inflict massive damage on enemies, while companions possess unique abilities to support the team.

Various costumes for enhancing the character’s abilities

Valkyrie Idle は、プレイヤーがヴァルキリーの能力を強化するために使用できるさまざまなコスチュームを提供します。各コスチュームには独自のステータスと能力があり、プレイヤーは戦闘を有利に進めることができます。 プレイヤーは、これらのスタイリッシュなコスチュームでヴァルキリーの外観をカスタマイズすることもできます。


Valkyrie Idle は、没入感とスリリングなゲーム体験を提供する放置系 RPG です。北欧神話の設定、ユニークな能力を持つ多様な仲間、BUFF 効果を持つ装備、さまざまな成長素材などの魅力的な機能により、あらゆるスキル レベルのプレイヤーが楽しめるゲームとなっています。 ゲームの驚くべきスキル効果と幅広いコスチュームが全体的なエクスペリエンスをさらに強化し、Valkyrie Idle を真に魅力的でやりがいのあるゲームにしています。

Valkyrie Idle スクリーンショット 0
Valkyrie Idle スクリーンショット 1
Valkyrie Idle スクリーンショット 2
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