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Why NIKKE Players Felt Let Down by the Evangelion Crossover Event

作者 : Aaliyah Jan 22,2025

Why NIKKE Players Felt Let Down by the Evangelion Crossover Event

Shift Up's Goddess of Victory: NIKKE collaboration with Neon Genesis Evangelion fell short of expectations, according to a recent interview with the game's producer. Let's examine what went wrong with this August 2024 crossover event.

The Issues

Shift Up acknowledges several shortcomings. While the designs of Rei, Asuka, Mari, and Misato remained true to their original appearances, they failed to captivate players.

The initial character designs, a joint effort between Shift Up and the NIKKE team, were deemed too suggestive by Evangelion's creators. Subsequent modifications, while satisfying the licensors, alienated the player base. The altered aesthetics lacked the appeal of the original concepts.

Player Response

The underwhelming outfits weren't the only problem. Players felt little incentive to invest in limited-time characters or costumes, especially given the lack of visual distinction. Asuka's gacha skin, the most expensive option, bore too close a resemblance to her default model, deterring potential buyers.

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE's success stems from its distinctive style of bold anime characters and engaging narrative. However, recent collaborations, including this one, are seen as diluting that identity, leaving players feeling unmotivated to participate.

The Evangelion event, while built upon a strong game foundation, suffered from uninspired designs and an overly drawn-out structure. Shift Up assures players that feedback will inform future events.

Looking Ahead

You can find both Neon Genesis Evangelion and Goddess of Victory: NIKKE on the Google Play Store. Hopefully, Shift Up will learn from this experience and deliver more compelling content in the future, avoiding similar half-hearted crossover events.

For more gaming news, check out our coverage of Wuthering Waves' Version 1.4 Android update.

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