首頁 新聞 鮑德爾大門3(BG3)中的最佳野蠻人壯舉


作者 : Claire Mar 01,2025




An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Durable feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4+1 Constitution (max 20). Full HP restoration on each Short Rest.



An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Lucky feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 43 Luck points per long rest. Spend to gain advantage on rolls or force enemy attack rerolls.



An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Mage Slayer feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4Advantage on saving throws against spells cast at melee range. Reaction to attack the caster. Enemies hit have disadvantage on Concentration.



An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Athlete feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4+1 Strength or Dexterity (max 20). Easier standing up from prone. 50% increased jump distance.



An image showing a Tiefling Barbarian and the Savage Attacker feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4Roll damage dice twice, keeping the highest result for melee weapon attacks.



An image showing the Charger feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4Charge 9m, hitting the first enemy. Does not provoke Opportunity Attacks.



An image showing the Tough feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4+2 HP per level gained (retroactive).



An image showing the Sentinel feat in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), as part of an article on the best feats to select for the class.

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4Reaction to attack an enemy targeting an ally (ally must not have Sentinel). Advantage on Opportunity Attacks. Hitting with an OA prevents movement.



BG3 polearm master

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4Bonus action attack with the polearm's butt. Opportunity Attack when a target enters range.

通過Polarem Master擴大您的影響力和損害潛力。使用獎勵行動對Polarem的屁股進行額外的攻擊,並在敵人接近時觸發機會攻擊。非常適合控製戰場。


BG3 great weapon master

Unlock LevelDescription
Level 4Bonus action attack after a critical hit or kill. +10 damage on hits with heavy melee weapons (-5 penalty to attack rolls).

用出色的武器大師釋放毀滅性的力量。重擊或殺死後,獲得獎勵行動攻擊,並用重型武器造成 10損害(以-5罰款為攻擊擲骰)。高風險,高回報的壯舉,可最大程度地造成傷害。


*Jason Coles更新了03/23/24。 Liam Nolan進一步更新了1/27/25。

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