YUMS Rate : 4.4

Application Description

YUMS is the ultimate app designed to revolutionize your university experience. It combines convenience, organization, and timeliness to streamline every aspect of your academic life. Forget about the hassle of keeping track of class schedules and attendance manually. With YUMS, you can easily access and manage your class schedule, receive timely alerts for upcoming classes, and even calculate your attendance percentage so you can balance your academic commitments with personal activities.

But the app doesn't stop there. It also offers a powerful TGPA calculator that allows you to estimate your GPA based on your current subject marks. Plus, you can join a collaborative community where you can engage with peers, ask questions, and find solutions in a respectful and moderated environment. And if you're an event organizer, the App has got you covered with integrated event management tools, including sign-ups, attendance tracking, and payment processing. With this app, you can even access your exam seating plan offline and stay up-to-date with regular data syncing. So, if you're a forward-thinking student who wants to optimize your university experience, this app is the must-have app for you.

Features of YUMS:

  • Class Notification: Receive timely alerts to never miss a class, eliminating the need to constantly check schedules.
  • Attendance Calculator: Calculate how many sessions you can skip while maintaining the desired attendance percentage, balancing academic requirements with personal commitments.
  • TGPA Calculator: Get an estimated GPA based on available subject marks, helping you gauge your academic standing in advance.
  • Social Net Forum: Engage with peers, pose questions, offer solutions, and participate in a voting system within a respectful and collaborative environment.
  • Event Management: Manage event sign-ups, participant attendance, and payment processing with a unique QR code for each event. Export data into Excel or PDF formats with an administrator-friendly Web UI.
  • Examination Schedule Sync: Access your exam seating plan for quick reference, even offline. Remember to regularly sync your data to stay up-to-date.


YUMS is a comprehensive academic management app designed to simplify your university life. With features like timely class notifications, attendance and TGPA calculators, a collaborative social net forum, event management capabilities, and examination schedule syncing, this app is the ultimate companion for students seeking to optimize their university experience. Download now to streamline your academic journey and achieve success both inside and outside the classroom.

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