Telekom's Voicemail app revolutionizes voicemail management, eliminating the need to dial your Mobilbox or SprachBox. Voicemails are seamlessly pushed to your smartphone and tablet, allowing for flexible access and management. Listen to messages in any order, personalize your greeting, forward calls effortlessly, and control all mailbox settings directly from the app. Whether you use a dual-SIM phone or have multiple landlines, this app provides comprehensive voicemail control.
Enjoy convenient access and management of your voicemails, regardless of whether they originate from mobile or landline connections. The app's compatibility with Android 5.0 and later ensures broad accessibility.
Features of Voicemail:
- Access and manage voicemails directly on your smartphone and tablet.
- Effortlessly manage mailbox settings, including greetings and call forwarding.
- Receive voice messages from both mobile and landline numbers.
- Utilize the convenient call forwarding feature.
- Personalize your voicemail greeting to reflect your preferences.
- Compatible with Android 5.0 and later versions.
This app offers a streamlined and user-friendly approach to voicemail management, seamlessly integrating mobile and landline communications. Features like call forwarding and personalized greetings enhance the overall user experience. Download the app today to simplify your voicemail process.