Dive into the enchanting world of Gildrose, a unique island where humans and monsters coexist peacefully. "The Scales of Gildrose" invites you to follow Aurum, a recent college graduate, on a transformative journey of self-discovery as they unravel their mysterious family history and connect with their enigmatic father.
Explore the vibrant town, forging bonds with a captivating cast of characters – from mythical creatures like naga and spiders to deer and were-folk. Romance blossoms amidst the adventure, with the possibility of polyamorous relationships. Your choices shape Aurum's destiny, leading to multiple story endings.
The Scales of Gildrose boasts:
- A gripping narrative: Follow Aurum's compelling tale of identity and family secrets.
- Memorable characters: Interact with a diverse and fascinating ensemble, building relationships and uncovering their backstories.
- Interactive gameplay: Make impactful decisions that determine the course of the story and unlock various conclusions.
- Stunning visuals: Immerse yourself in breathtaking CGs and expressive character art.
- Immersive audio: Enjoy professionally recorded voice acting and a custom soundtrack that perfectly complements the game's atmosphere.
- Dedicated developers: Nite Owl Studios, a passionate husband-and-wife team, stands behind this project and welcomes your feedback.
Experience a captivating visual novel filled with self-discovery, romance, and intrigue. Download "The Scales of Gildrose" today and embark on Aurum's extraordinary adventure! Uncover Gildrose's secrets and shape Aurum's future with your choices.