Experience the sequel to "Fighting with Society Gang" in One Fighter vs Society Gang! This action-packed fighting game simulator lets you battle gang and mafia opponents, knocking them out of the arena with stunning combos and special moves. The game features a unique Player vs Gangs mode, allowing you to take on gangs and mafias directly. Test your skills in the 1-Player Fighting mode, with difficulty levels ranging from EASY to HARD, unlocking new fighters as you progress. Upgrade your character's stats (Punch Power, Health, Kick Power, and Weapon Technique) to conquer stronger foes. Relive the classic action games of your childhood with this easily playable, historically significant title. Dare to challenge the One Fighter vs Society Gang and become a hero? Download it now for free!
What's New in Version 1.1.15 (Last updated Dec 18, 2024): Improved gaming experience! Update to the latest version for optimal gameplay. ▶️ Let's Play!