Mastering Weapon and Armor Upgrades in Avowed: A Comprehensive Guide
Progressing through Avowed introduces increasingly challenging enemies. To maintain combat effectiveness, upgrading your gear is crucial. This guide details how to enhance your weapons and armor.
Upgrade Locations:
Weapon and armor upgrades are performed at Workbenches (pictured above), located at Party Camps. These camps are established near Adra Waystones scattered throughout the game world. Interact with a Waystone, select the option to set up camp, and the location will be marked on your map with a tent icon, enabling fast travel.
Understanding Weapon and Armor Levels:
Gear power is determined by two factors: Quality and additional upgrade tiers.
Quality: Represented by a numerical value, color rarity (Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Gold), and descriptive adjective. Quality directly correlates to enemy levels in the Living Lands. Lower-quality gear is significantly less effective against higher-level foes. Matching or exceeding enemy Quality is key to effective combat.
Additional Upgrades: Within each Quality level (+0 to +3), further upgrades enhance stats. All three tiers must be completed before advancing to the next Quality.
Prioritizing Upgrades: Standard vs. Unique Gear:
Avowed features standard and unique weapons and armor. Standard gear is readily available as loot or from merchants, while unique items are typically quest rewards or boss drops. Unique gear offers superior stats, perks, and can reach Legendary Quality (unlike standard gear, which maxes out at Superb).
Upgrade Strategy:
Focus your resources on upgrading unique weapons and armor. Standard gear should be treated as temporary equipment, used until better unique items are acquired. Sell or dismantle standard gear for resources to fuel your unique equipment upgrades.
In short, strategic upgrading is vital for success in Avowed. Prioritize unique gear, and remember to match your equipment quality to the challenges you face.
Avowed is currently available on PC and Xbox.