Home News Unveil Path of Exile 2's Riches in Expedition

Unveil Path of Exile 2's Riches in Expedition

Author : Eric Jan 18,2025

Path of Exile 2 Expeditions: A Comprehensive Guide

Path of Exile 2 introduces four major endgame events: Delirium, Breaches, Rituals, and Expeditions. This guide focuses on Expeditions, a returning mechanic from a previous league, detailing its mechanics, rewards, and the associated passive skill tree.

Locating and Initiating an Expedition

Expedition map nodes on the Atlas are marked with a distinctive light blue spiral icon. An Expedition Precursor Tablet, placed in a completed Lost Tower slot, guarantees an Expedition encounter on a chosen node.

Entering an Expedition map reveals a marked area and a tent containing four NPCs. While they offer basic information, mastering Expedition mechanics requires further exploration.

The core of the Expedition is the Detonator and the Explosives UI (bottom-right). Your objective is strategic Explosive placement to spawn Runic Monsters, Unearthed Remnants, and Excavated Chests.

  • Runic Monsters: Detonating Explosives near Red Markers spawns these. Larger markers yield larger monster packs, empowered by Unearthed Remnants.
  • Unearthed Remnants: These ground relics offer beneficial or detrimental modifiers (e.g., increased elemental damage but higher item rarity from chests).
  • Excavated Chests: Found near Black Markers with the spiral symbol; they contain Artifacts, Logbooks, currency, Waystones, and high-end gear.

Explosives' area of effect is shown as a green circle. For optimal farming, avoid overlapping circles. Place all Explosives, then activate the Detonator to trigger the event. Death resets the map, but leaving the area doesn't end the event. A tactical approach is to detonate, retreat, and return to engage with powerful AoE abilities.

The Expedition Pinnacle Map

Runic Monsters and Excavated Chests have a chance to drop Expedition Logbooks. These are used with Dannig in your hideout to access the Expedition Pinnacle Map. Slot the Logbook, click "Open Portals," and enter a significantly larger Expedition zone with increased Explosives.

The Pinnacle Map features Olroth, a powerful boss (indicated by a skull on the minimap). Defeating Olroth is crucial for acquiring Expedition Passive Skill Tree points (double points per victory).

Expedition Passive Skill Tree

Located within the Atlas Passive Skill Tree, the Expedition Passive Skill Tree enhances the event through increased rewards, monster spawns, and Remnant effects. It's accessed via the Atlas Map's Atlas Passive Skill Tree menu (top-left). The tree features eight Notable nodes and eight difficulty-increasing nodes for Logbooks and Olroth. Each Notable node requires defeating Olroth at an increased difficulty.

Notable Expedition Passive Effect Requirements
Extreme Archaeology Reduces Explosives to 1, but boosts radius by 150%, placement range by 100%, and reduces enemy Life by 20% N/A
Disturbed Rest 50% more Runic Monster Flags N/A
Detailed Records 50% more Logbooks, Logbooks always have 3x Modifiers Disturbed Rest
Timed Detonations 50% more Artifacts, Detonation chains 50% faster N/A
Legendary Battles 50% more Rare monsters, 50% more Exotic Coinage Timed Detonations
Frail Treasures 3x more Excavated Chest Markers, but they disappear after 5 seconds N/A
Weight of History 35% boost to Remnant effects N/A
Unearthed Anomalies Remnants gain an additional Suffix and Prefix modifier Weight of History

Prioritize "Disturbed Rest," "Detailed Records," and "Timed Detonations" for optimal rewards. Then consider "Weight of History," "Unearthed Anomalies," and "Legendary Battles" for increased challenge and rewards. Avoid "Extreme Archaeology" due to the significant reduction in Explosives.

Expedition Rewards

The main rewards are Artifacts, used to trade with specific vendors for gear. Exotic Coinage refreshes vendor inventories.

Reward Use Gear
Broken Circle Artifact Gwennen (Weapons) Weapons
Black Scythe Artifact Tujen (Belts and Jewelry) Belts & Jewelry
Order Artifact Rog (Armor) Armor
Sun Artifact Dannig (Used to acquire other Artifacts) N/A
Exotic Coinage Refreshes any vendor's inventory N/A

Expedition Logbooks unlock the Pinnacle Map and a chance to fight Olroth, yielding double Expedition Passive Skill Tree points, high-tier currency, and exclusive Uniques. The higher the Logbook difficulty, the higher the chance of Olroth appearing and better rewards dropping.

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