In Stalker 2, one intriguing Anomalous Field, the Poppy Field, holds the Weird Flower Artifact. Beyond a side quest, this Artifact offers a unique benefit. Here's how to find and utilize it.
Table of contents
Where To Find the Weird Flower | How To Use the Weird Flower
Where To Find the Weird Flower in Stalker 2
How To Use the Weird Flower
The Weird Flower provides a temporary stealth boost, but only after sleeping while equipped. A suitable bed is located in the side room of the Trader's area in the Lesser Zone. Note that sleeping may advance the in-game time significantly.
The Weird Flower's practical value is limited due to the scarcity of sleeping locations. Its stealth benefit may not outweigh other strategies. Selling it to a trader is a viable option.
Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is available now on Xbox and PC.