Home News Pokemon GO Rocket Guide: Team Leader Line-ups & Best Counters (January 2025)

Pokemon GO Rocket Guide: Team Leader Line-ups & Best Counters (January 2025)

Author : Henry Mar 16,2025

Conquering Team GO Rocket Leaders—Sierra, Arlo, and Cliff—in Pokémon GO is crucial for research tasks and acquiring powerful Shadow Pokémon. Their boosted Shadow Pokémon and ever-shifting teams make preparation essential. This guide provides the information you need to defeat them, including optimal counters for each leader's current lineup (January 2025).

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Where to Find Team GO Rocket Leaders: Sierra, Arlo, & Cliff Pokémon GO Rocket Current Sierra Team Best Counters for Team Leader Sierra in Pokémon GO Pokémon GO Rocket Current Arlo Team Best Counters for Team Leader Arlo in Pokémon GO Pokémon GO Rocket Current Cliff Team Best Counters for Team Leader Cliff in Pokémon GO

Where to Find Team GO Rocket Leaders: Sierra, Arlo, & Cliff

Unlike Grunts, locating Team GO Rocket Leaders requires defeating six Grunts first. Each defeated Grunt drops a Mysterious Component; six components create a Rocket Radar. Grunts appear randomly at PokéStops, and a hot air balloon containing a Grunt spawns every six hours, following you for 20 minutes. Once you have a Rocket Radar, Leaders replace Grunts at darkened PokéStops and in hot air balloons.

Pokémon GO Rocket Current Sierra Team

Sierra's January 2025 team presents a challenging mix:

First PokémonSecond PokémonThird Pokémon
Skorupi Skorupi (Bug/Poison) Sableye Sableye (Dark/Ghost) Houndoom Houndoom (Dark/Fire)
Steelix Steelix (Ground/Steel) Nidoqueen Nidoqueen (Ground/Poison)
Milotic Milotic (Water) Gardevoir Gardevoir (Fairy/Psychic)

Best Counters for Team Leader Sierra in Pokémon GO

Sierra's varied team requires adaptability. Expect Dark, Psychic, and Bug/Poison types. These counters are highly effective:

Terrakion TerrakionSmack Down, Rock Slide
Gengar GengarShadow Claw, Shadow Ball
Excadrill ExcadrillMetal Claw, Iron Head

Pokémon GO Rocket Current Arlo Team

Arlo's January 2025 team is powerful and varied:

First PokémonSecond PokémonThird Pokémon
Alolan Grimer Alolan Grimer (Poison/Dark) Hypno Hypno (Psychic) Metagross Metagross (Steel/Psychic)
Charizard Charizard (Fire/Flying) Scizor Scizor (Bug/Steel)
Gyarados Gyarados (Water/Flying) Snorlax Snorlax (Normal)

Best Counters for Team Leader Arlo in Pokémon GO

Arlo's January lineup necessitates preparing for Flying, Psychic, and Poison types:

Tyranitar TyranitarBite, Brutal Swing
Shiny Blaziken BlazikenFire Spin, Blast Burn
Excadrill ExcadrillMud Slap, Drill Run

Pokémon GO Rocket Current Cliff Team

Cliff's January 2025 team in Pokémon GO is formidable:

First PokémonSecond PokémonThird Pokémon
Cubone Cubone (Ground) Clone Venusaur Venusaur (Grass/Poison) Tyranitar Tyranitar (Dark/Rock)
Marowak Marowak (Ground) Obstagoon Obstagoon (Dark/Normal)
Aerodactyl Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying) Crobat Crobat (Poison/Flying)

Best Counters for Team Leader Cliff in Pokémon GO

Cliff's January team features several Dark-types, along with Ground, Flying, and Poison possibilities. These counters provide a strong advantage:

Mamoswine MamoswinePowder Snow, Avalanche
Lucario LucarioForce Palm, Aura Sphere
Shiny Blaziken BlazikenCounter, Blast Burn

This guide provides the most up-to-date information on defeating Team GO Rocket Leaders for January 2025. We will continue updating this article as their teams change.

Pokémon GO is available now on mobile devices.

Updated 1/14/2025 by Amanda Kay Oaks

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