Netflix's hit animated series, The Dragon Prince, now has its own action-packed ARPG mobile game: The Dragon Prince: Xadia, available now on Android! Fans of the show will be thrilled to explore the fantastical world of Xadia in this exciting new adventure. Ready to learn more? Read on!
Embark on an Epic Journey in The Dragon Prince: Xadia
Level up your favorite heroes – Callum, Rayla, and the newcomer, Zeph – upgrading their skills and equipping them with legendary items and stylish skins. And don't forget your trusty pets! The game expands on the series' lore, adding new story elements and character developments beyond what you've seen on screen.
Explore iconic locations like the fiery Border and the mysterious Moonshadow Forest, battling Blood Moon cultists and sky pirates. Team up with friends in co-op mode for epic quests and dungeon raids, forming squads of up to three players via online matchmaking or friend invites.
Check out the official trailer below!
Free for Netflix Subscribers!
Download The Dragon Prince: Xadia today from the Google Play Store – it's completely free for Netflix subscribers, with no ads or in-app purchases!
Don't forget to check out our other gaming news! Code Geass: Lost Stories is ending its mobile run soon!