Let's be clear: there's no single "best" weapon in *Monster Hunter Rise*. Forget the idea of a universally overpowered option that guarantees the fastest hunt times every time. The ideal weapon is entirely subjective; the one you find fun and effective is the best *for you*. Consistent hits, successful hunts, and enjoyment are the ultimate metrics.
While weapon choice is crucial, remember that a successful build hinges on armor, decorations, and the right Artian weapon for each monster. However, if you're aiming to improve your hunt times, certain weapon types stand out. This tier list combines community feedback (including IGN's community tier list), online sentiment, my own experience, and speedrun data. It's important to note that this is a subjective assessment and can vary depending on the monster and player skill.
Monster Hunter Rise Weapon Tier List
Monster Hunter Rise Weapon Tier List
Monster Hunter Rise Best Weapons Tier List
The weapons listed below stand out for their damage output and ease of use, but all weapons in Monster Hunter Rise are viable. These just offer a potentially faster path to success.
S-tier: These weapons excel in both damage and relative ease of mastery. The Gunlance, while more technically demanding, is highly rewarded by the community.
Sword and Shield
Great Sword
Long Sword
A-tier weapons have S-tier potential but require greater skill and precision, or they fall slightly short. The Hunting Horn, while less effective solo, shines in multiplayer.
Insect Glaive
Charge Blade
Dual Blades
Hunting Horn
Heavy Bowgun
Switch Axe
These weapons might require more effort and finely tuned builds to match the performance of S- and A-tier options, but they are still entirely capable and effective.
Light Bowgun
Why only three tiers?: As stated earlier, every weapon in Monster Hunter Rise is viable. The tier list is for guidance, not a definitive ranking. Don't let this discourage you from using your favorite weapon! B-tier is still a strong category.
Best Monster Hunter Rise Weapons ExplainedSword and Shield
Often underestimated as a beginner weapon, the Sword and Shield is surprisingly versatile and powerful. Its high mobility lets you stay glued to monsters, while its guard capabilities and punishing counter-attacks make it highly effective. The ability to use items without sheathing is also invaluable, especially for support hunters.See all Sword and Shields in MH Rise
Great Sword
A favorite among developers and players, the Great Sword delivers high single-hit damage with satisfying attacks. While slower and less forgiving than some options, the Focus Mode greatly improves aiming.See all Great Swords in Monster Hunter Rise
Long Sword
The Long Sword's popularity stems from its speed, satisfying playstyle, and powerful counter-attack (Foresight Slash). Managing the Spirit Gauge is key to maximizing its damage potential.See all Long Swords in Monster Hunter Rise
Highly regarded for its defensive capabilities and explosive power, the Gunlance demands more skill to master than other S-tier weapons. Its new Wyvern's Fire and Wyrmstake Full Blast attacks significantly boost its damage output.See all Gunlances in Monster Hunter Rise.
Despite a slight Focus Strike nerf, the Bow remains a strong contender. Tracer Ammo guarantees critical hits, while unlimited coatings enhance damage potential. Mastering the Discerning Dodge allows for near-constant attacks.See all Bows in Monster Hunter Rise.
Ultimately, weapon choice is personal. A skilled Light Bowgun user can outperform a Great Sword user who struggles with timing. Mastering any weapon takes time and practice!
What's your favorite weapon in *Monster Hunter Rise*? Share your thoughts! And for more detailed information, check out our comprehensive *Monster Hunter Rise* guide.