Gamehouse's beloved Delicious series returns with Delicious: The First Course, offering a fresh take on classic restaurant simulation gameplay. This new installment delves into the origins of the series' iconic mascot, Emily, presenting players with a charming story alongside familiar time-management challenges.
Experienced Delicious players will find the gameplay instantly familiar. Newcomers, however, are in for a treat! Prepare for the frantic fun of juggling multiple tasks to maintain a smoothly-running restaurant, mirroring the style of titles like Diner Dash.
Progress through a variety of restaurants, from casual eateries to upscale establishments, unlocking unique minigames and upgrading your kitchen along the way. Hire staff, customize your decor, and enhance your equipment to prevent culinary chaos.
A Sweet Success
Many successful casual mobile games have incorporated compelling narratives to enhance player engagement. Gamehouse cleverly revisits the series' foundations, focusing on Emily's journey from solo restaurateur to a thriving family life, providing a nostalgic and engaging experience.
Delicious: The First Course is slated for release on January 30th, according to the iOS App Store listing. Until then, check out our curated list of top cooking games on iOS and Android to satisfy your culinary cravings!