Critical Role's Campaign 3 takes a one-week hiatus due to the devastating Los Angeles wildfires. The impact on the cast, crew, and community forced the cancellation of the January 9th episode. While a return on January 16th is planned, further delays remain a possibility.
Campaign 3 is nearing its dramatic conclusion, leaving viewers on a cliffhanger after a pivotal episode. The exact episode count remaining is uncertain, but the end is near, potentially paving the way for a new campaign using the Daggerheart TTRPG system.
The wildfires directly affected several key members of the Critical Role team. Matt Mercer and Marisha Ray were forced to evacuate, while Dani Carr narrowly escaped harm. Sadly, producer Kyle Shire lost his home. The Critical Role community is rallying around those affected, sharing updates and support on social media.
Despite aiming for a January 16th return to streaming on Beacon and Twitch, continued delays are understandable given the ongoing situation. Fans are encouraged to be patient and support those impacted by the fires.
In a show of solidarity, the Critical Role Foundation, supported by community donations, is contributing $30,000 to the California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Recovery Fund. This underscores the cast and community's commitment to their motto: "Don't forget to love each other."