FunPlus launches the first installment of its new comic series, Sea of Conquest: Cradle of the Gods, expanding its popular strategy game into the world of graphic novels. This marks a significant step in FunPlus's multi-platform entertainment strategy.
A Monthly Adventure Awaits: Sea of Conquest: Cradle of the Gods
The ten-part comic series, released monthly, begins with its October issue. Follow the thrilling adventures of Lavender, Cecily, and Henry Hell, three childhood friends embarking on a perilous journey.
Lavender, a dreamer with a fear of the open sea; Cecily, the resourceful inventor; and Henry Hell, a notorious pirate with a shrouded past – together they navigate the treacherous Devil Seas, confronting rival pirates and powerful magical forces from the Ancient Order.
Get a sneak peek of Sea of Conquest: Cradle of the Gods below!
Dive into the Story!
Designed for both gamers and newcomers, Sea of Conquest: Cradle of the Gods offers a self-contained narrative. Each issue unveils rich world-building, delving into the characters' motivations and the dangers they face.
Attending New York Comic Con (NYCC) from October 17th to 20th? Meet Simone D’Armini, the cover artist, grab a free limited-edition comic, and get a signature or sketch!
Read Cradle of the Gods for free on the official website. Also, check out Sea of Conquest: Pirate War on the Google Play Store.
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