Netmarble's popular idle-RPG, Seven Knights Idle Adventure, is partnering with the anime sensation Shangri-La Frontier in an exciting crossover event! This collaboration introduces three new playable characters from the anime, along with a host of new rewards.
Shangri-La Frontier follows Rakuro Hizutome ("Sunraku" in the game), a unique protagonist who specializes in conquering flawed and obscure VR games. His expertise proves invaluable when he tackles the immensely popular Shangri-La Frontier game.
Subscribe to Pocket Gamer The event features Sunraku, Arthur Pencilgon, and Oikatzo as recruitable characters. Players can also participate in a special Shangri-La Frontier Rate Up Summon Event and a Check-in Event to obtain these new heroes and earn exclusive rewards.
Explore New Frontiers
The collaboration also includes new dungeon stages and a unique collaboration dungeon. While anime crossovers aren't always captivating, the unusual bird-headed protagonist adds a unique element. Both existing fans and new players will undoubtedly appreciate the addition of these new characters.
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