Dive into the captivating world of NEURA: Neon Fantasy, a unique and thrilling simulation game set in a futuristic dystopia. Players control a "lewdroid" android, tasked with fulfilling their owner's desires and achieving 100% satisfaction.
This innovative game offers a distinct gameplay experience, challenging players to trigger intimate scenes through object interaction and task completion. Navigate the environment using simple touch screen controls, moving left or right to explore and interact.
Key Features of NEURA: Neon Fantasy:
- Groundbreaking Android Simulation: Experience a fresh take on the android simulation genre, focusing on satisfying your client's desires.
- Immersive Dystopian Setting: Explore a compelling futuristic world, 200 years after the events of Where Girls Are Made.
- Clear Objective: The straightforward goal of reaching 100% client satisfaction provides a focused and rewarding gameplay experience.
- Interactive Scenarios: Trigger exciting encounters by interacting with objects within the game environment (e.g., sitting on the couch, sleeping on the bed).
- Task-Driven Encounters: Complete assigned chores, like watering plants or finding hidden objects, to unlock additional intimate moments.
- Intuitive Controls: Effortlessly navigate the game using simple left/right swipe controls.
NEURA: Neon Fantasy provides a unique blend of engaging gameplay and an intriguing storyline. Support developer Arisu and download the game today!