
Verifyle 비율 : 4.2

애플리케이션 설명

Verifyle: Your Secure and User-Friendly File and Message Sharing Platform

Verifyle provides a secure and intuitive platform for private file and message sharing. Our patented Cellucrypt® encryption technology utilizes six unique encryption keys for each item, ensuring unparalleled security. The app’s simple design incorporates features like Workspaces, Guest control, and real-time streaming encryption for enhanced protection. Biometric and two-factor authentication are available, and you can even disable password resets for maximum account security. Enjoy 5GB of storage (free users) or 50GB (Pro users), knowing your data is HIPAA and PCI compliant and protected against ransomware. Verifyle: where security and ease of use meet.

Key Verifyle Features:

  • Cellucrypt® Encryption: Six unique keys protect every file and message.
  • Biometric Authentication: Secure access via fingerprint or facial recognition.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: An extra layer of security against unauthorized access.
  • Disable Password Reset: Enhance security by disabling this feature.
  • Real-Time Streaming Encryption: Data is encrypted during transmission, eliminating temporary storage risks.
  • Granular Permission Control: Precisely manage who can access and edit shared information.
  • Generous Storage: 5GB free, 50GB for Pro users.
  • Industry-Standard Encryption: SSL/TLS, HTTP Strict Transport Security, and Perfect Forward Secrecy are employed.
  • HIPAA & PCI Compliance: Meets stringent healthcare and financial industry security standards.
  • Ransomware Protection: Safeguards files from ransomware attacks.

User Tips:

  • Organize data efficiently using Workspaces.
  • Manage Guest access, Message Threads, and Documents within each Workspace.
  • Upgrade to the Pro plan for increased storage.
  • Disable password resets for improved security.
  • Utilize biometric and two-factor authentication for optimal protection.


Verifyle is the ultimate solution for secure file and message sharing. Its innovative Cellucrypt® technology and comprehensive security features provide peace of mind. The user-friendly interface combined with top-tier security makes Verifyle essential for anyone prioritizing privacy and data protection. Download Verifyle today.

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