ゲーム シミュレーション Swelldone - Virtual Row+Paddle
Swelldone - Virtual Row+Paddle

Swelldone - Virtual Row+Paddle レート : 4.3


Experience the thrill of virtual paddling with Swelldone - Virtual Row + Paddle! This open-world fitness game lets you select your avatar, choose your vessel (from SUPs to canoes!), and explore endless ocean waves. Hone your paddling skills while having fun, whether you're surfing realistic waves or competing against friends in multiplayer mode.

Connect your ergometer for immersive training sessions or create personalized workouts and sync them with your favorite fitness apps like Strava and C2 Logbook. Swelldone boasts accurate wave physics and features famous real-world locations to paddle in. With a wide variety of customizable avatars and boats, the possibilities are endless.

Key Features of Swelldone - Virtual Row + Paddle:

  • Realistic Ocean Experience: Enjoy endless ocean paddling with lifelike wave physics for an authentic surfing feel.
  • Multiplayer Competition: Challenge friends in exciting head-to-head races.
  • Real-World Venues: Paddle through famous locations for a truly challenging adventure.
  • Customization: Choose from a diverse selection of avatars and vessels to personalize your experience.
  • Ergometer Integration: Connect your paddle erg, rower, or bike trainer for fully immersive training.
  • Workout Management: Access pre-designed workouts or create your own, syncing progress with Strava and C2 Logbook.


Swelldone - Virtual Row + Paddle provides a fun and engaging way to enjoy virtual paddling in a dynamic open-world environment. Its realistic physics engine, multiplayer options, and extensive customization make it a unique and immersive training experience for all paddling enthusiasts. Download now and begin your virtual paddling adventure!

Swelldone - Virtual Row+Paddle スクリーンショット 0
Swelldone - Virtual Row+Paddle スクリーンショット 1
Swelldone - Virtual Row+Paddle スクリーンショット 2
Swelldone - Virtual Row+Paddle スクリーンショット 3
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