ミラランドの秘密を解き明かす: Infinity Nikki の Kindle インスピレーション クエストへのガイド
インフィニティ・ニッキのキンドル・インスピレーション・クエストで、ミラランドを巡る魅力的な旅に出かけましょう!これらのサイド クエストは、ゲームプレイに深みと没入感を与えます。 このガイドは、10 個のクエストすべてを見つけて完了するのに役立ちます。
各クエストには、ユニークな NPC にインスピレーションを与える特定の衣類アイテムを見つけることが含まれます。一見簡単そうに見えますが、正しい服装を見つけるのは難しい場合があります。 以下は、各クエスト、その場所、完了条件、報酬の包括的なリストです:
Quest Name | Location | Completion Requirement | Rewards |
Echoes of the Past | Florawish (near Mayor's Residence, daytime) - Speak with Alber. | Wear the Paper Crane's Flight dress (obtained from Kilo the Cadenceborn). | 20 Diamonds Nostalgic Blossom Sketch |
Floral Promenade | Florawish (north of Mayor's Residence) - Speak with Narci. | Wear the Floral Stroll Shoes (purchased at Marques Boutique in Florawish). | 20 Diamonds Breeze-Kissed Blooms Sketch |
Blending In | Florawish (road to Dream Warehouse) - Speak with Rosy. | Wear the Wishful Pact Skirt (purchased at Marques Boutique in Florawish). | 20 Diamonds Starlit Night Sketch |
Nature's Artistry | Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow (cabin by the lake) - Speak with Velly. | Wear the Woolfruit Growth outerwear (purchased at Marques Boutique in Florawish). | 20 Diamonds Hundred Daisies Sketch |
Energetic Spirit | Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow (Meadow Activity Center stands) - Speak with Peysi. | Wear the Swift Leap Shorts (obtained from a chest in Old Florawish Memorial). | 20 Diamonds Gentle Sunshine Sketch |
Cozy Comfort | Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow (Border Outpost) - Speak with Vendita. | Wear the Midnight Moon gloves (purchased at Marques Boutique in Florawish). | 20 Diamonds Crimson Snowstorm Sketch |
Whispers of Wildlife | Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow (north of Stoneville Entrance) - Speak with Auri. | Wear the Mark of Life top (obtained from a chest south of Relic Hill). | 20 Diamonds Peace with Birds Sketch |
A Change of Style | Stoneville (dyeing district) - Speak with Rosalie. | Wear the Rippling Waves hair (crafted after completing Rippling Serenity). | 20 Diamonds Quick Ponytail Sketch |
Evening's Call | Stoneville (south of Lavenfringe Fields) - Speak with Fabrizio. | Wear any three Home-themed clothing items (purchased at Marques Boutique in Florawish). | 20 Diamonds Heavy Eyelids Sketch |
A Lucky Charm | Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow (northeast of Cicia Art Academy Field Base) - Speak with Mysti. | Wear the Little Luck socks (crafted after completing Afternoon Shine). | 20 Diamonds Lucky Knot Sketch |
すべての Kindle インスピレーション クエストを完了して、Infinity Nikki の魅惑的な世界に完全に浸ってください! さらに役立つヒント、ガイド、コードについては、必ず [The Escapist] をチェックしてください (利用可能な場合は実際のリンクに置き換えてください)。