Tauchen Sie in die Welt von Horizon Walker ein, einem faszinierenden neuen rundenbasierten RPG mit einer einzigartigen Besetzung von Charakteren, die von koreanischer Manhwa inspiriert sind. Machen Sie aufregende Quests, meistern strategische Kampfsequenzen und erobern Sie verschiedene Spielmodi, um die Fähigkeiten Ihres Charakters zu verbessern. Diese Tierliste zeigt die obersten Vanguard-Charaktere, die Ihr Gameplay erheblich ankurbeln.
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Lisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a formidable force. Her Spinning Slash ability unleashes a devastating sabre attack, dealing damage equivalent to her melee attack. Her Sword of the Unknown ability channels divine energy, granting her a shield equal to her magic attack for three rounds, along with a special Sword of the Unknown effect.CHARACTER NAME | RARITY | FACTION | Lisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a formidable force. Her Spinning Slash ability unleashes a devastating sabre attack, dealing damage equivalent to her melee attack. Her Sword of the Unknown ability channels divine energy, granting her a shield equal to her magic attack for three rounds, along with a special Sword of the Unknown effect.
Experience enhanced Horizon Walker gameplay on your PC or laptop with keyboard and mouse using BlueStacks for a superior gaming experience.
Experience enhanced Horizon Walker gameplay on your PC or laptop with keyboard and mouse using BlueStacks for a superior gaming experience.[🎜]
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