
LeafSnap হার : 4.1

ডাউনলোড করুন
আবেদন বিবরণ

Introducing LeafSnap, the Ultimate Plant Identifier App for Android

Are you a plant enthusiast struggling to identify that mysterious bloom in your garden? Look no further than LeafSnap, the innovative app that puts the power of plant identification at your fingertips.

With LeafSnap, simply point your Android device's camera at any plant and instantly receive a comprehensive list of potential matches. This cutting-edge technology, similar to the popular "PictureThis" app, allows you to identify a wide variety of plants, from common houseplants to rare botanical specimens.

But LeafSnap is more than just a plant identifier. It's your personal plant care companion, providing detailed information on watering, soil, light requirements, and more. Create a personalized plant library to keep track of all your green companions and set reminders for watering, fertilizing, and pruning, ensuring your plants thrive.

Key Features of LeafSnap:

  • Effortless Plant Identification: Identify any plant with a simple click of your camera.
  • Comprehensive Plant Care Tracker: Get detailed information on watering, soil, light, and other care needs.
  • Personalized Plant Library: Create a library of your plants and manage their care with ease.
  • Smart Reminders and Alerts: Never forget to care for your plants with timely reminders for watering, fertilizing, and pruning.
  • Detailed Plant Information: Access in-depth information about each plant, including its preferences and care instructions.


LeafSnap is the ultimate app for plant lovers, offering a seamless blend of plant identification and care management. Download LeafSnap today and unlock a world of plant knowledge at your fingertips.

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সর্বশেষ নিবন্ধ আরও
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