This software is a remake of an 80s arcade game, now discontinued. , originally released in the 80s, is no longer available commercially. Relive the classic arcade experience with this faithful recreation.
Gameplay: (Controls)
- Select a level (L1-L5) by pressing the "Game" button. Each press cycles through the levels.
- Start the game using either the left or right yellow button.
- Pass the ball left or right by pressing the corresponding yellow button.
- Pass the ball forward by pressing both yellow buttons simultaneously.
- Pass the ball diagonally right: hold the left button, then press the right button.
- Pass the ball diagonally left: hold the right button, then press the left button.
- "V" denotes the visiting team.
- "H" denotes the home team.
Score: View the last score for each level by pressing the "Score" button.
About: For more information about this app and developer contact details, press the "About" button.