Home Apps Lifestyle इनेबल वाणी
इनेबल वाणी

इनेबल वाणी Rate : 4.3

Application Description

इनेबल वाणी is not just another social networking platform; it's a revolutionary app designed to empower persons with disabilities (PwDs) living in rural areas. This inclusive platform provides a space for PwDs to connect with others, curate content, and become part of a supportive community. By incorporating features like liking, sharing, and content creation, members gain access to a wealth of resources and information on employment, self-employment opportunities, and solutions. But this app goes beyond just individuals; it includes parents, non-profits, corporate sectors, educational institutions, and volunteers, creating a vibrant network focused on enhancing the lives of PwDs in rural areas. With game-like mechanics, this app makes learning enjoyable and engaging, while also addressing the unique challenges faced by its audience in rural settings. By joining इनेबल वाणी, individuals affirm their commitment to an inclusive and empowered future for PwDs in rural communities.

Features of इनेबल वाणी:

  • Inclusive rural social networking platform: इनेबल वाणी is a social networking app designed specifically for persons with disabilities (PwDs) in rural areas. It provides a space where individuals with disabilities can connect with others and become part of a supportive community.
  • Interactive space for content curation: Users can curate their own content on the app and share it with others. They can also like, share, and forward content created by other members, creating a rich exchange of knowledge and experiences.
  • Access to employment and self-employment opportunities: The app offers valuable resources and information on employment and self-employment opportunities for PwDs in rural areas. Members can find information on job openings, solutions, and more.
  • Inclusion of parents, non-profits, corporate sectors, educational institutions, and volunteers: The app extends beyond individuals and incorporates various stakeholders such as parents, non-profit organizations, corporate sectors, educational institutions, and volunteers. This promotes collaboration and a holistic approach to empowering PwDs in rural areas.
  • Game-like mechanics for engagement: The app uses game-like mechanics to stimulate user engagement and retention. This makes the experience both educational and enjoyable, encouraging users to stay active on the platform.
  • Tailor-made services for rural settings: The app addresses the unique challenges faced by PwDs in rural settings and strives to bridge the information gap that often hinders their integration into society. It provides tailor-made services that cater to the specific needs of its audience.


इनेबल वाणी is a powerful social networking app that empowers PwDs in rural areas. It offers an inclusive and supportive community where users can connect, curate content, and access valuable resources on employment and self-employment opportunities. With its game-like mechanics and tailor-made services for rural settings, the app revolutionizes the conventional approach to social networking. By joining this vibrant network, individuals reaffirm their commitment to an inclusive and empowered future for PwDs in rural communities.

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इनेबल वाणी Screenshot 1
इनेबल वाणी Screenshot 2
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